Fringe Benefit Tax Expenses Online Calculators
For Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) Amount calculation purposes, there are four major types of expenses. They are as follows :
FBT calculated on 100 % of the Expense amount
There are two types of Expenses in this category - Free Or Concessional Ticket provided by the employer for employees (or family members) private journeys & Employer Contribution to an Approved SuperAnnuation Fund for Employees. Complete Expense Details (along with the relevant Income Tax Sections) are here. Important - For Assessment Year 2007-08 onwards, only contribution amounts exceeding Rupees One Lakh (Hundred Thousand) to be considered as Fringe Benefits.
FBT on 100 % of the amount - Calculator.
FBT calculated on 50 % of the Expense amount
The Expenses in this category are Festival Celebrations, Use Of Health Club, Sports or Similar Facilities, Use Of Any Other Club Facilities, Gifts, Scholarships to Children of Employees. Complete Expense Details (along with the relevant Income Tax Sections) are here.
FBT on 50 % of the amount - Calculator
FBT calculated on 20 % of the Expense amount
List of Expenses are Entertainment, Hospitality (excluding that spent in office or factory), Conferences (excluding Participation Fees), Sales Promotion (including Publicity) (excluding Free Samples & displays), Employee Welfare, Conveyance, Tour, Travel (including Foreign), Hotel Lodging & Boarding Facilities, Motor Car & Aircraft Repair, Running, Maintenance, Telephone (including Mobile, excluding Leased Lines), Guest House Accomodation. Complete Expense Details are here.
FBT on 20 % of the amount - Calculator
Expenses - FBT on 5 % of the amount (applicable for certain businesses and for Assessment Year 2007 - 08 onwards only).
Currently, no Expense Heads within this category as per changes announced by the Government on 2nd May 2005.
Expenses - FBT on 10 % of the amount.
Kaytek will not be responsible for any errors or omissions on the basis of the calculations. This cannot be construed to be legal advice. Please consult your tax attorney for the same.