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" Which are the Government and Other

Authorities that regulate Business in India ? "

India is Not An Unregulated Economy

Benefit From Gray Arrow A Kaytek Offsourcing Consulting Insight

The list below was compiled at the request of an American gentleman who had incorrect perceptions about the regulatory and statutory business environment in India and Government action against entities which break the law.

It is a partial list and reproduced here for information only without any judgemental implications.

The Indian government has set up several Independent Regulatory Bodies in various sectors - Telecom, Electricity, Taxation who have the power to impose fines both on government departments as well as private sector companies.

There are many examples where Indian organizations and people have got penalized for disregarding public interest.

Some of their links of the government statutory bodies and actions by them against errant law-breaking organizations are mentioned below.

Down Arrow Regulatory Authorities for Publicly Listed Companies in India

Gray Arrow SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India website (similar to SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) in the US) Website * - Follow the links under the What's New and Orders / Rulings Section.

Gray Arrow Government of India Ministry of Company Affairs (MCA) * had an earlier link of Companies being prosecuted by them.

Down Arrow Regulatory Authority for tackling Public Authority Corruption Cases in India

Gray Arrow Central Vigilance Commission - CVC * - India's Body to regulate Corruption in all Government Departments had a link for Online Filing of Complaint against any Government Employee.

Down Arrow Regulatory Authority for The Telecom Sector in India

Gray Arrow Telecom Regulatory Authority of India - TRAI Website * - Had a Link earlier of Actions taken by them against Telecom Companies (Both private and Government) for False Advertising and other Business Malpractices.

Down Arrow Industry Body for Regulating Advertising in India

Gray Arrow Advertising Standards Council of India - ASCI - Website. *

From one of their website pages, a quote by one of their officials is as follows

" In the case of complaints which were Upheld during the past year, it may interest you to know that 85 to 90 % of such Ads have been withdrawn or modified appropriately by the Advertisers / Agencies involved.

The concerned Media have also confirmed that they would not carry such offending Ads / TVC. "

There are many examples where they as well as the other government agencies have actually gone against advertisers for misleading advertising. One such example is here. *

Down Arrow Regulatory Authority for Technical Education in India

Gray Arrow All India Council of Technical Education or AICTE * is the Body which regulates Technical Education In India as per it's Statutory Position. The AICTE has a further body called as National Board of Accredidation or NBA which gives accreditation to Technical Institutions beyond AICTE's recognition in a two step process.

Under the provisions of the AICTE Act of 1987 all diploma, degree and post graduate programmes coming under the following disciplines are covered under Accreditation by NBA are as follows : Gray Arrow Engineering & Technology Square Separator Management Square Separator Architecture Square Separator Pharmacy Square Separator Hotel management & Catering Technology Square Separator Town & Country Planning Square Separator Applied Arts & Crafts

* indicates External Links - Last Checked On 24th March 2009

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Updated on 24th March 2009
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