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" Is it Difficult to Manage Software Projects ? "

" Not when you follow a Proper Methodology. "

Benefit From Gray Arrow Some Kaytek Experiences....

Down Arrow Our Approach

To control software time / costs better, software methodologies are crucial.

Based on the maturity of the client organization and the detailed level of software specifications that are provided to us, the estimated costs are lower because the risks are lower.

Where specs are unclear, the risks and costs are higher. Process driven technical quality of work always delivers superior results.

All Kaytek Software Consulting, Design, Development and Implementation Projects have been done completely in-house (without any outsourcing).

We have earlier used an appropriately modified version of ESA European Space Agency's Software Engineering Standards.

We have also worked with UML (Unified Modelling Language).

Kaytek uses the above methodologies appropriately with complete End-To-End responsibility during all software process phases such as :

Gray Arrow Analysis Square Separator Design Square Separator Coding Square Separator Testing Square Separator Implementation Square Separator Technical / User Documentation.

Across all activities within the above phases, we stress upon Software Reusability and a process focus.

In our humble professional opinion, a software development methodology and approach has to be scaleable and generic irrespective of the parameters of the software project.

At the same time, it should obviously not be an over kill but appropriate to the needs of the project.

e.g. If somebody wants to drink water using a straw, we should not give the person a water hose for the same. The methodology has to be appropriate for the software project.

Some additional Points as regards our Software Methodology are as follows :

Gray Arrow Effective Software Requirements Management.

Gray Arrow DAMAGES for No Damages - Kaytek's Philosphy for Software Documentation.

Down Arrow Kaytek's thoughts on related subjects :

Gray Arrow Perspectives on SEI - Software Engineering Institute's CMM Certifications.

Gray Arrow Kaytek's Analysis and Clarifications on SEI (Software Engineering Institute's) Standard CMMi Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI).

Gray Arrow Check Out Our Perspectives on Software Future Square Separator Process Square Separator Quality.

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Last Updated on 28th January 2009.
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