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How does Technology Affect Knowledge ?

Technology As A Foundation for Knowledge

Benefit From Gray Arrow A Kaytek Consulting Perspective


Knowledge Uses Technology As a Foundation.

Both at the Individual and Organizational Levels.

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However, KM (Knowledge Management) does not necessarily mean only technology and automation.

There is a huge area of KM that has nothing to do with software and technologies, which have their own role to play in organizations ; not necessarily in the KM arena. "

Technology is only a means to an end.

In any organization, technical careers are at the foundation.

Technology is an infrastructure layer below the functional and other management layers at the top.

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Careers Pyramid gives a visual instantiation of the same within the domain of ERP.

The same layering of careers as regards technical, functional applies equally across other disciplines, including KM, for that matter.

Within the specific domain of KM, beyond just the buzzwords (technology or otherwise) lie some simple fundamental issues that have nothing to do with technology.


Kaytek - Leverage Knowledge And Technology

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Last Updated on 22nd November 2017

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