![]() ![]() Blog As A (Broken) Bridge![]() |
Weblogs or Blogs for short have emerged as a powerful interactive medium for communication on the Internet during the last couple of years. This article Blog As A (Broken ?) Bridge was written as part of a weblog series in April 2004 on an external website. It started as a small experiment a few weeks ago. My first Blog was titled ' I just have to Outrun you.' The idea was to essentially try and share some thoughts as to how the Internet-Induced Offsourcing was essentially changing not only the rules of the technology and business games, but also the games itself. It has been a fascinating journey so far. Though Tiresome. Full of twists and turns. Some expected. Some not so expected. The road ahead seems to be as exciting and tough for all of us in the technology business. |
Techies Thrive Through Tough Times. Your T5. I earnestly hope that it has helped you outrun yourself. Ultimately, only that matters. Nothing else. ![]() Offshoring and Outsourcing are really major Business Challenges. For every individual and organization all over the world. It really does not matter which part of the hemisphere you are in. All of us have forcibly become 'Glocals'. Some Management Consultant's Apt Jargon for a 'Global' Cum 'Local' Organizations. Not only Organizations, but Individuals also have become 'Glocal'. Feet on the ground in some geography. A Local Physical Presence. Brains and Minds all around the globe. Connected Via The Internet. A Global Virtual Presence. Creating Shared Knowledge for a common purpose. |
Hopes, soaring as always. The Oracle in the movie The Matrix says " Everything that has a beginning, has an end." Where are we on the Blogging Bridge? Is there a Road Map Ahead ? Have we hit a Wall somewhere ? I don't know. If you can, please let me know. Most of you have been silent soakers. Watching in the Dark. C'Mon. You cannot be that lazy. Remember, you are a techie ! Shoot a line. It's only a few (free) keystrokes. A Small Step For Your Fingers. Perhaps, A Learning Leap (for me) across the (Possibly Broken) Blog Bridge. ![]() |