Understanding ERP Requirements At A Generic Level All ERP users whether in Boston, Boswana, Bangor, Bangalore, Beijing have the same set of fundamental Business needs. Our experiences of ERP Users in different markets, emerging or developed, mature or immature indicate their desire to use ERP to solve their business problems and requirements in a generic technology agnostic manner. The trick is to understand these needs at a fairly high levels both in the business & technology areas & deliver it globally with consistent quality. Quick Translation of high level ERP business needs to fine tuned solutions is the key for ERP execution innovation. |
Industry/Business Segment - Manufacturing - Discrete High Precision Steel Balls Manufacturer - Considering ERP Tier-1 Vendor - Brief Study of Customer's Existing ERP Documentation. Forgings Manufacturer - Checklist Of Points for Moving German Subsidiary's ERP Operations Offshore to India. Metal Ingots Manufacturer - Seeking To Replace Legacy Software Systems with ERP - Kaytek Selection Guidance. |
Industry/Business Segment - Manufacturing - Process Marine / Sea Food Processor and Manufacturer - 4 Page Overview of Organizational Supply Chain and Proposed Integrated Information Systems. Overall Kaytek Accounting (Integrated, Sales, Purchase, Employee, Intangible) Systems Experiences. We take pride in being able to quickly understand business & software requirements of customers in widely differing business segments & domains. For more on the above Customer Project Studies & other experiences, kindly email us for more details. |