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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

25th June 2006 - A Day of Emergency for the Steel Industry ?

31 years ago, on this very day 25th June 1975; a State of Emergency was declared in India.

Is the Arcelor-Mittal merger on 25th June 2006 sounding similar bells of emergency for the rest of the global steel industry ?

10% of the global steel output in the hands of Arcelor-Mittal will drive consolidation in the steel industry.

Further, China's consumption of steel is expected to slow down before the Beijing Olympics in 2008, further aggravating the situation.

A couple of weeks ago, I was advising a Steel Entrepreneur who wanted to implement an ERP solution to consider the impact of the forthcoming Mittal takeover of Arcelor in his business dynamics planning.

Also, an Indian owned multi-national taking over an established European giant may also trigger some alarms of emergency in other non-steel sectors.

Indeed, Indians are starting to set the world on FLAMES.


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