Willing, Waiting-In-The-Wings, Walmarts ? It is an Intriguing Thought. Is there a Walmart of IT Services breeding somewhere ? Somewhere hidden, out of sight. Currently, Out of Mind. As I left my office after having the article, I kept thinking on my drive back home. What would it actually entail to create an organization similar to Walmart in the Global IT Services Industry ? Is it possible ? Yes. Dell and Open Source Organizations are two small examples of the IT Industry's receptivity to Innovative (Value Driven) Business Models. |
Where could the Walmart possibly come from ? US (Redmond ??) . China (Maybe). India.....Or Else where. Last year, I was conversing with a US based relative, an Experienced Project Manager with one of the Big 5 IT Consulting Firms. He was mentioning about his current Enterprise Application Integration Project using the Top CRM and ERP solutions with one of the Global Automobile Giants. I was putting across my viewpoint that what the IT Industry needed was Simplification. Not Complexity. Perhaps, if a competitor came creeping who offered Cheap Simplicity of IT Solutions (while at the same time handling the Client's Complex Business and Technology Infrastructure), perhaps Customers would love it. Just as they worship Walmart. Business People have possibly got the IT-Creeps or Foggy, (Faulty), Feature Fatigue. They need simple easy to understand IT metaphors or ideas in their business. His viewpoint was that perhaps it was not possible with the current state of IT Complexity. I disagreed. We do not need to be bakers to enjoy sliced bread. We broke up the conversation (to save our poor respective bored wives who were getting Jargon Jittery (with words like XML, CRM, ERP, SOAP being tossed about. (No, not SOAP. They think they knew what it meant). I (possibly) predict and stick my neck out. Somewhere out there, there is someone waiting & willing to walk the Walmart way in our industry. Call it Serendipity or what. |
When I switched on my TV set after writing the article, what do I find ? Four Eminent CEO's (3 In Mumbai, 1 from California) of India's Billion Dollar (or Near To Be) Software Companies providing some Insights on their Billion Dollar Boats. (Hopefully not leaky). Could they possibly be the Willing, Waiting-In-The-Wings, Walmarts ? More on the same. Postscript : In August 2004, the eminent CEO of India's most high profile Global Software Services company proclaimed in an Interview of becoming the WALMART in the Indian IT Services Industry. Remember - You read it here first !!! Email Us : Can we help with our IT Consulting Strategies ? |