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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Why Indian Entrepreneurs need professional mentoring and consulting

India is currently at the epicenter of the global knowledge economy.

Indian entrepreneurs across all sectors are experiencing the waves of globalization. Also, they are in a unique situation where even though the customer markets are expanding, the talent markets are shrinking. India based Multinationals with their superior Human Resource practices are already becoming the first choice for employees.

There are 3 reasons as to why Indian entrepreneurs need professional mentoring now, more than ever before :

First, Employee Continuity cannot be taken for granted. Organizational manpower pools will witness huge churns, so backup teams cannot be easily created by entrepreneurs.

Second, the breakdown of the joint and extended family system. Team Entrepreneurships as a strategy will have to be executed across professionals, not necessarily family members.

Third, the imperative need to have continuous ego-less learning across all levels of the organization.

Are entrepreneurs ready to dump their ego and learn how to learn ?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Distance Education IT Software Program for Experienced Professionals !

Experienced Functional Professionals who are interested in shifting to the fast growing Information Technology (IT) Software field, may be interested in our website's page for the same.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Why the Indian software industry should teach project management skills to the rest of Corporate India to ward off the Chinese Juggernaut ?

Both Wipro and Infosys chiefs believe that India's software industry has been able to beat the Chinese Challenge in global IT services delivery so far because of superior software project management skills, amongst other factors.

On the other hand, India's Finance Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram believes that for infrastructure projects, a far larger number of Chinese managers have formal project management qualifications and skills.

Large software projects are no less complex (or maybe even more complex) than physical infrastructure projects.

Hence, India's software giants should transfer the lessons from software project management to their counterparts in the manufacturing industry and elsewhere.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The future of Software - Follow the Entertainment Industry ?

At a NASSCOM Mobile Applications Seminar in Mumbai last week, Mr. Pradip Baijal Chairman of TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) spoke of the Blurring between Content and Advertising.

He gave the example of a hugely popular Hindi movie called 'Dhoom' in which the advertising product placement fees received from the manufacturer of the motor-cycles used by the main characters was a major revenue stream for the film producers.

A couple of days ago, Microsoft announced their 'Live Windows' applications in which some of their office productivity applications would be offered as hosted services for small businesses for less than 10 employees. It was also mentioned that advertisements would be placed on these software applications.

So, the Software Industry is following the Entertainment Business in the Blurring of Content and Advertising.

That would perhaps help in reducing the mortality rate of software companies across the globe and save some money for their shareholders.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Diwali Message from India - Knowledge Is Wealth.

As per the Hindu religion, Goddess Saraswati gives Knowledge and Learning.

Today 1st November 2005, on Diwali, this auspicious Indian Hindu Festival of Lights, Goddess Laxmi who is the Giver of Wealth comes to our homes and workplaces.

In a CNBC TV-18 television show on 'Intellectual Property Rights (IPR's) in India's Knowledge Economy', I overhead a snippet of a conversation Of Dr Mashelkar of CSIR (Center of Scientific and Industrial Research ) in India.

He was saying that we have to figure out how to convert Knowledge to Wealth and have to successfully replicate thousands of Saraswati to Laxmi conversions all over India.

Last night on NDTV's debate as to whether the IT Boom in Bangalore was dead, the CEO of Phillips Software was mentioning that IT Industry had created more than three hundred thousand direct jobs in Bangalore besides another six hundred thousand more indirect jobs.

Indeed, India's IT industry has shown that for India, Saraswati (Goddess of
Knowledge) is truly Laxmi (Goddess of wealth).

Knowledge is Wealth.

Perhaps, India's Diwali message for the world.